Diving Into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ): A Guide for Everyone
BJJ isn’t just another martial art; it’s like physical chess combined with a whole new lifestyle. Born in Brazil and now loved worldwide, BJJ is about self-defence, sport, and keeping fit. Whether you're new or have been doing it for ages, let's break down what BJJ's all about.

What’s BJJ All About?
In simple terms, BJJ is about using smart techniques, not just muscle. Even if you’re smaller, with the right moves and strategies, you can defend yourself against bigger folks. Plus, learning BJJ can make you feel more confident in daily life.
The Basic Ideas of BJJ
Position Before Submission: Before you try to make your opponent give up (or submit), make sure you’re in a good spot.

Leverage: Think of it as using your body in a smart way, so you don’t have to work as hard to control or move your opponent.
The Little Things in BJJ
Gi vs. No-Gi: You can practice BJJ with the traditional suit (Gi) or without it (No-Gi). Your choice can change some of the moves you use.
Tapping: If you’re caught in a move and need to give up, you tap. It’s a way to stay safe and let your partner know they got you this time.
Some Basic Moves
Guard: You're on your back, using your legs to defend and attack.
Sweeps: Moves to get from the bottom to the top.
Submissions: Moves that make your opponent give in, like armlocks or chokes.

The Journey in BJJ
In BJJ, the colour of your belt shows how far you've come. Everyone starts with a white belt. Over time, with lots of practice, you might earn a blue, purple, brown, and even a black belt. Each colour stands for how much you’ve learned and grown.
In short, BJJ is more than just moves; it’s about growing, staying strong, and always learning. Whether you’re just starting or have been on the mat for years, there's always something new in BJJ. Let's roll!